Aldridge Education


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Finance, policies & legal information

Statutory information on this website relates to the Aldridge Education multi-academy trust and the schools which form part of it.

For statutory information relating to schools which are Single Independent Trusts sponsored by Aldridge Education, or partner colleges, please visit those schools’ own websites.


View a copy of the Aldridge Education Trustees’ Report & Financial Statements for year ended 31.08.23

Page 5 of the Annual Report details the amount of time taken off each year by staff across our schools who are union officials.

Previous years’ Annual Reports from 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019 can also be viewed. 

Our VAT Registration number is 351877180.


Please click the links below to view our policies:

Please refer to our academies’ websites for each local Safeguarding Policy.

Information relating to our policies on Privacy can be found in our Data Protection and Freedom of Information policies.


You can view copies of our Trust schools' admission policies and arrangements for the duration of the offer year, including PANs and any variations approved during the school year on each of our schools' websites. Each admissions policies includes the admissions appeal timetable for that school.


You can view copies of our Trust schools' complaints admission policies on each of our schools' websites

Legal Information

Aldridge Education is a Multi-Academy Trust and also a sponsor of Single Academy Trusts.

We are registered in England and Wales as a “Private Limited Company by guarantee without share capital”, company number 05670663. Our registered office address is Aldridge Education, Duke's Aldridge Academy,  Trulock Road, London, England, N17 0PGOur Companies House record can be viewed here

Please click the links below to view our Legal Information:

Climate actions and our commitment to becoming net zero trust

📄 Trusts Net Zero - Statement on Intent

Energy & Carbon Reporting Statement

You can view more information about this in our latest Annual Report and Financial Statements.

Working in
partnership with