Aldridge Education


Easy Read

Colin Grand - Principal

Colin has been a key part of Aldridge Education's school leadership team since 2017.

Having joined Darwen Aldridge Enterprise Studio school in 2013 for its opening as a member of the teaching staff Colin took up the role of the Studio's Interim Principal four years later.

In May 2018 he was confirmed as the permanent Principal at the Studio and, following a period of also acting as Executive Principal of UTC@MediaCityUK Colin was confirmed as substantive Principal for the UTC in November 2020.

Colin remains as Principal of Darwen Aldridge Enterprise Studio as well, dividing his time 50:50 between each site.

Colin is a specialist in creative education and has taught Art, Photography, Graphic Design, Animation and Creative Digital Media.  

On his appointment UTC Chair of Governors Dr. Janet Lord said:

Colin was very impressive in his interview and presentation, showing an in-depth understanding both of education more widely and in particular of how to maximise the opportunities that exist at the UTC for our young people. Colin is passionate about education and about ensuring that all our students achieve the best they possibly can - academically, personally and in relation to employability. I am thrilled to be working with Colin as the UTC moves forward.

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